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Keto Week 3 | No Hunger?!

Yay! I made it through 3 weeks on the Ketogenic Diet! And as you can see from the title, the main difference I saw this week was that my appetite has SIGNIFICANTLY decreased. I do not get as hungry as I used to. In fact, some days I've looked at my Keto app like... what?! I have to eat MORE?! I wasn't upset, I was just surprised. I would eat once and feel fine for hours.

Good news! Remember last week when I said I hope I'll be in the 140's by the end of week 3? Well, guess what? I made it! I'm finally back in the 140's (BARELY!). I started Keto at 158.8, then started this week at 150.8, and this week I've lost 1.4 pounds and an inch from my waist.

Not much, I know, but the difference in my full-body before and after pictures is like... WOAH! I even took pictures of my face halfway through the week just to compare to ones from about 3.5 weeks earlier and I can see that my face has slimmed down a bit too.

As I started gaining weight, I stopped taking selfies as much because I disliked how bloated my face looked compare to how it used to be. So seeing my face slim down a bit and seeing the shadow of a double chin that was trying to creep up on me creep back away has me feeling very victorious and very motivated to keep on going with the Keto diet.

I'm saving my FULL BODY before and after pics for YouTube (although I will definitely let you all know when that is up too), but I'll show the face picture just to give you an idea of what I mean. The before picture on the left is from around June 10th, and the after picture on the right is from July 4th.

I know some (if not most) of you will probably say that there's really no difference between the two, but looking in the mirror I can really see the difference. This picture doesn't really do it justice.

I feel like I'm finally starting to see the old me again. When my face started "puffing up", I felt like I couldn't really recognize myself. So this is a big, big win for me. Now that I'm thinking about it, you can really see the difference in my face in my YouTube videos from early last year to the most recent ones. So check that out and you'll see what I'm talking about!

Anywho, other things about this week. Some days I felt like I had great energy, other days, not so much. This is most likely because some nights I got almost no sleep. So I'll update you all on my level of energy when I have better "data" for you.

My productivity is on another lever though! I'm in the beginning stages of creating an online business and I've done so much work for this, I'm even doing an online course for it, and I've been talking with a business coach who is guiding me in it. I have not been this business productive in over a year, but maybe since 2015 when I was really productive towards my business goals. I don't know if it's all Keto or just passion, but I can tell you I haven't worked this hard before Keto in a long time. If I don't lose anymore weight or ever have consistently high energy from it, I don't care because the level of focus I have right now is amazing. The fact that I'm consistent on these weekly Keto updates should say something!

Now, as far as food temptations go, again, I really don't feel the need to cheat on my diet. Sometimes I wished I could have certain things, but I knew they wouldn't be worth the instant gratification. Over the weekend, while at a friend's house, everyone was eating pizza and cheesecake. I didn't eat anything but a couple of keto peanut butter cookies (I wasn't very hungry, but I ate them so that I could feel like I was treating myself like everyone else was). Also throughout the week, at times I'd want things Josh was eating, but I made myself an alternative. Cooking for someone who's not on keto while you're on keto is a challenge, but if you can withstand that, you can withstand anything on this diet.

Before I close out, I'll let you all know that I'm considering coming out with a post(s) on major tips for this diet. I've learned some amazing things that'll really help out. I'd like to condense info I've gathered from weeks of research and share it. If you're interested let me know. Either way, thank you for joining me in another week of my Keto Journey and I hope you stick with me until the end! Or at least until next week!

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