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Keto Results | Week 1

For those of you who don't care to read on, I'll put my results in the beginning, and you can choose whether or not you'd like to read on and see what I did and how I got started on keto.

Results: I've lost 6 pounds, and 1/2 an inch from my waist. This is most likely all water weight, but pounds are pounds and inches are inches... I'll take it!


If you're like me, you've heard of the Ketogenic Diet and thought it sounded silly. Eating a lot of fats and basically cutting carbs to lose weight really fast? It was like a unicorn diet, a cool concept but probably not real.

Well after seeing one of my favorite beauty gurus finally lose the weight she's been working hard to lose (mind you, she's hired a personal trainer, does boxing, and gets healthy meals catered for her for over a year, and the weight wasn't budging), and then BAM! She does keto and in one month her body looks so much slimmer and more toned out of nowhere! After that, I figured it was worth looking into.

I'm not going to give all of the fact about keto because there are TONS of articles, videos, research, etc. that you can find on it, but I will talk about how it has been for me. What I will say about the Ketogenic Diet is that it is one where you eat high fat (think avocados, bacon, fatty meats like burgers, dark meat chicken, etc.), moderate protein (you don't need as much protein as you think, even to gain muscle... there's research to prove it!), and low carbs (so no bread, pasta, rice, fruits unless its like a handful of berries, no milk... stay with me!). I tracked everything I ate for the first week, so if you're curious I can post in detail, but for now, I'll try to summarize.

So here's how my days went:

Day 1:

  • Started off excited.

  • Then I started crashing 4 hours later, and had serious brain fog by the end of the day.

Day 2:

  • Woke in the middle of the night with a little bit of stomach discomfort.

  • Woke up in the AM extremely exhausted.

  • I wasn't hungry for the first few hours.

  • Towards the early evening I started craving sweets like crazy (not usual for me).

  • Went for a walk later in the evening to speed up ketosis, started feeling light-headed/foggy.

  • Towards the end of the night, I'm exhausted, and have slight heartburn.

Day 3:

  • I got up twice overnight to pee, and again in the morning. I'm urinating a lot this day. Also, I got my Ketosis Test Strips in the mail so I officially know that I'm in Ketosis this day, yay!

  • (P.S. I definitely misunderstood ketosis at first. Ketosis means your body is producing ketones, but at first, your cells don't have the "machinery" to turn it into fuel. So ketosis is step 1 to helping your body get the machinery to start making you burn your own fat for fuel. You're not fully in fat-burning mode yet!)

Day 4:

  • Woke up less tired than the previous days and I had lost between 3-4 pounds at this point.

  • Also, I've been intermittent fasting along with doing keto all of these days to speed up weight loss, but today I couldn't do as long of a fast, so I didn't.

Day 5:

  • I was pretty lethargic this day, but I've also been PMS-ing all week, so that could have affected some of my feelings throughout the week (lack of energy, bloating, cramping, etc. I thought it was the diet and it might not have been).

Day 6:

  • I woke up with more energy today.

  • I accidentally did a full table spoon of MCT oil instead of a teaspoon and made myself nauseous for a couple of hours. Not pleasant.

Day 7:

  • Starting to feel very productive today.

Not super energetic, but I finally have the willpower to clean, work on my goals, and do things. All week I just wanted to lay in bed.

So now today begins Week 2! I'm excited. I do have some challenges ahead of me this week that I didn't have last week (a BBQ today, 2 dinners with friends, etc.), but I didn't cheat the first week, so I plan on keeping it that way.

To finish off, I'm going to tell you all my goals for the week: I want to add exercise back into my routine, I want to progress in my intermittent fasting, and I want to eat more vegetables and make sure I'm getting enough nutrients.

I'll let you all know how that goes in my next Keto Update. If you've made it this far, you're loyal... I appreciate that! I hope to see you again next week!

(P.S. I'm not quite ready for before and after pics, but you WILL see them!)

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