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Start Today | Mid-Week Motivation

About 70% of people who made New Year's Resolutions 30 days ago have already quit... SEVENTY PERCENT! 10% more will quit in the next two months... and around 10% more will quit before the year ends. That leaves about 10% who actually achieve their goals for the year.

If you want to be in the top 10%, you have to be willing to do what only the top people do. A quote I really love is, "A lot of what separates those who WANT and those who HAVE is the simple fact that one stopped while the other kept going."

If there is something you keep stopping and restarting, have never started, or you committed yourself to it on January 1st, but you haven't gone all in, then commit yourself to it today.

We're down one month now. January is gone. There is still a lot you can accomplish from February on. So let's recommit to our plans and decide to make February our best month yet (it's a short one, so this shouldn't be too bad right? *insert laughing cold sweat emoji here*). Let's see what can happen if we commit ourself fully for ONE month... four weeks. That's it.

Better yet, let's focus on committing ourselves to this 24 hours. When you wake up February 1st, ask yourself how can you kill this day? It might be in your relationships, marriage, parenting, housekeeping, job, schoolwork, volunteering, your dream career, physical fitness, whatever it is, just focus on killing it TODAY! Then do it again on the 2nd, the 3rd, and so on.

I've been sick for the past few days and allowing myself to use that as an excuse to be VERY stagnant, but unless you are completely bed-ridden, there is no excuse to not be the best you can be and go for what you really want, and that is something I've been realizing lately. I can make all the excuses I want, but they're not going to make me more successful, healthier, or more abundant. So it's either EXCUSES or ACTION.

Action Step: Buy a new journal (or if you're a journal hoarder like me, go find one in your piles of new and "like-new" notebooks collected over the years), and put today's date at the top - or you can start fresh tomorrow morning - but date it, and start writing, "I commit to myself that..." fill in the rest.

I'm committing to myself that I won't waste another year (well, no years were really wasted because I've gotten great experiences and lessons from them all, but I also spent majority of those years being lazy). So I'm committing to changing that in 2018 and proving to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to, I just have to give it my all.

If you feel comfortable sharing what you've committed yourself to, let me know and I'd love to support you in it. I'm hoping that this year will be a year of success, abundance, happiness, great health, and much more. <3

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