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Keto Week 2 | What's New?

Yes! I've made it through 2 full weeks of the Ketogenic diet and I've got some results to share. I will start with those again, and if you want details beyond that (what I weigh, how I'm looking and feeling, etc.), keep reading! Oh, and I've even put things in bold to make skimming that much easier ;)

So this week I lost approx. 2 lbs and about another 1/2 inch from my waist. I'm quite happy with it too because now that I lost the water weight in week one, I know that I'm burning fat. And although some people may think that's low for keto because they expect every week to be like the first week, 2 pounds of weight loss in a week for me is unheard of. I haven't even been working out (which is lazy of me, but I'll get there!).

Without working out, losing 2 pounds this week feels like a huge accomplishment. And I'll share my weight just to give an idea of where I'm at. I started around 158.8 lbs and I weighed in at 150.8 lbs this morning. So losing 8 lbs in two weeks is like ah-mazing! I'm finally almost back in the 140's.

Also, my stomach is the flattest it's been in forever. I still am a habitual stomach-sucker-inner (??), but I don't have to suck in as hard lol *insert awkward cold sweat emoji here*.

Now as far as food temptations go and cheating, I can say now being 2 weeks in that I don't feel the need to cheat at all. I'd be lying if I said that my sugar cravings from week 1 are gone because they're not, but they are easily satisfied by having keto peanut butter cookies. I haven't had any carb cravings though which is nice. I don't crave bread, pasta, or rice. I haven't even been craving fruit either.

How have I been feeling this week? I started off feeling very productive and getting more things done, but started feeling some fatigue again around the end of the week. That could be because I haven't been keeping up on my electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium) as much and I wasn't keeping up with my bone broth either.

What will I try to improve next week? I need more electrolytes (obviously) and much more fiber. I have potassium citrate powder to use as a supplement. I found out that a shot of pickle juice has a lot of electrolytes and as much potassium as a banana (without all the sugar), so I'll be buying a jar or two of pickles. And I plan on adding nutritional yeast and ground flax seeds into my diet somehow to get more nutrients.

Welp, that's all for this week's update. I'm hoping that the next keto post will reveal that I'm finally in the 140's after many months of trying to get back to that. My ultimate goal is to get back to 130 lbs (which I haven't been in about 2 years), then go back to weight-lifting so I can tone and sculpt my body without the additional fluff on top.

So for the people that ask me how long I'll be doing keto, my answer is... I don't know. Until I either hit 130 lbs or until I look the way I want. If I really like how I feel once I'm keto-adapted/fat-adapted, then I'll keep going with it, but until then I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

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