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Our England PCS is Coming!!!

...and I'm excited, but also a little nervous! The only thing I'm nervous about is not knowing what to expect. But I also know that it is impossible to cope with the future, you can only cope with the now. So I'm trying to remain as present as possible, and enjoy home, the familiarity of my hometown, my family, even American food, local nightlife, etc. I'm trying to take it all in. I'm acting like I'll be gone forever haha, but 2 years feels like a long time!

Oh! Here's some news, our base has changed! Previously Josh was assigned to RAF Lakenheath in England, and now we're assigned to RAF Mildenhall which is also in England. It's literally like 10 min away from Lakenheath, but this is good news for us because now Josh is at a base with a lower deployment cycle/tempo, yay us! The only downside is that we will now only be there 2 years instead of 4... unless, of course, they give us an extension. But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

I just wanted to post this so that you all know, I'm still alive, we are still going to England, and as a matter of fact, you all can start expecting those England vlogs in a few weeks! I hope and pray that this is a smooth transition for us and that we have the time and energy to see everything we want to see and experience everything we'd like to experience in the time we've been given.

And if you stick around for more, you'll see if (when) we accomplish all of the above. Thank you for reading this entire thing... that's love! *cue one solitary tear drop* And I'll see you all in my next blog post or Youtube video!

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