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Did We Get Married Secretly?

The short answer: no.... but in all actuality, not everyone knew about it until after the fact. My immediate family (the ones who live with me), all knew I was getting married long before it happened, but the rest of my family didn't.

For some relatives, the fact that they did not know until after was a big deal - which I understand. But at the same time, Josh and I are very untraditional. We don't take the common paths or do things the "normal" way. So we decided to get married with just the two of us (and the reverend that married us of course), but we did not have any pictures taken, no video, nothing. When I say that it was jus between the two of us and God, I mean that.

As much as I would've loved to have shared that moment with family and friends with a nice ceremony, I'm extremely happy with the way it went, and wouldn't trade that moment for the world.

For our 5 year wedding anniversary, we may have a vow renewal ceremony (once he's out of the Air Force and free again), and then we'll share our vows with family, friends... and YouTube (of course). But until then, we are focusing on growing as husband and wife, and creating the best future for ourselves as possible.

One quick thing on marriage before I finish... I've been reading a TON of books on marriage and being a wife. One thing that has stuck with me the most is what one of the authors wrote. Paraphrasing, he basically talked about the book "The Art of War" and how some great military leaders from the past had their armies burn their boats. Why? Because this mean either they fought to kill or fought to death, but either way there was no retreating!

So, he was saying in marriage you have to burn the boats. You have to decide that no matter the argument, the problem, whatever (unless it is abusive! Do not stay in abusive situations!!!) then you have to decide ahead of time to burn the boats. In other words, burn the idea of divorce and don't even joke about it or hint at it. There is no retreating. Either solve the problem now, or solve it later, but divorce is not an option.

On that note, I'm happy to say that Josh and I have started this lifelong marriage by burning our boats and staying together through thick and thin. And with this post you all can keep us accountable to that.

If you've made it this far through this post, I appreciate it as always!

Question of the day: What is the best piece of relationship or marriage advice that you've heard and can share with us?

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