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First YouTube Milestone?... Check!

I finally reached 500 subscribers!!! At first glance, 500 subscribers doesn't seem like much, but imagine speaking in front of a room filled with 500 people... at least that's how I'm choosing to see it. I have a long way to go still, but I've come a LONG way. I feel like I've figured out my place in the YouTube world and like I can really work with it to do some amazing things.

So with the help of you all, mi familia, I hope to reach 1,000 subscribers soon! We'll just keep getting bigger and better! I'd love to do a livestream Q&A video for y'all or something. If you have an idea, leave me a comment (yes, I just now added a comment feature to my site lol took me long enough) or shoot me a message.

I don't share this next bit of info with just anybody, but you as my viewer/reader are very important and special to me and a part of this journey... so I'll share. My goal for my channel to hit 1 million subscribers. Actually, I want more than that, but for now... 1 million is a very solid number and a great enough challenge for me. I want us to have a strong community and actually all meet up in real life, all grow and do amazing things, and just be an overall force in the world.

But for now, I'm taking it step by step and reaching for smaller milestones, so like I said above, 1,000 subscribers is the next goal. We are more than capable of growing to that size, and when we do, I want to do a huge giveaway! Once again, I need ideas! What so you all want?

I'll leave it on that note for now, and I want to finish by thanking you all. Like, really... thank YOU! Thanks for reading my blog, thanks for watching my videos, thanks for all the great comments, all the messages, for subscribing to my email list, following me on social media and so much more. I truly, truly appreciate it and love y'all for it! I promise there are bigger and better things to come in the future, so keep an eye out!

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