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Motivation Monday #3 - Get up and Keep Going

"The longer you do this, the easier it gets. Every time you keep going after a hard fall, your competition has decreased. Because where you had that hard fall, many people fell and gave up."

Don't be the majority. When you fall, that is not an excuse to stop. You missed the gym for two days and ate 5 cakes (not slices, either- 5 WHOLE cakes), and now you feel like you've reversed all your progress so you may as well stop trying... Mmm, no. Instead, you should think of all the other people who got to that point, did the same thing (maybe not eat 5 cakes, but whatever), then stopped, and realize that that is where the weak fell off. You're not weak, so you're gonna keep going.

You were working on your business, doing well. Then your other job took over your time and you no longer have the energy and excitement you had before, so now you decide to "take a break" on your busines (*cough* Quit! *cough*). But that's not you either. Many people have gotten that far, and also gave up for similar reasons. Guess what that means for you? Your business has A LOT less competition now... just think of the millions that are giving up right now as you read this. Don't let that be you. Realize that if you keep getting up after each fall, you start to have less and less competitors (you're in a league of your own!) And eventually you'll succeed. The primary key to being successful is just DON'T GIVE UP. You have to get there eventually.

Okay, so you've been out of the gym for a month (I know it's been longer, but we'll just say "a month"). So? Get back up, dust off your gym shoes, and get back to it.

Your business only has a name and a slogan that sounds like it was written by a fifth grader... so? Get back on it! Start writing a business plan, make a logo/website/whatever, start talking to people about it, and visit your local Small Business Development center for help with it all.

Fun fact: Over 75% of people that start a workout plan (or really any major goal) give up. Be the less than 25% that sees it through. Be the "after" in a gym full of "befores".

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