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Motivation Monday #2 - Rise Above

"Don't get mad. Don't get even. Do better. Much better. Rise above. Become so engulfed in your own success that you forget it ever happened."

Rise above those people who treated you wrong, that ex that missed out on you, that boss that underestimated you, relatives that didn't support you, friends who weren't there for you, but most importantly rise above self-guilt and forgive yourself for what you have or have not done to or for yourself.

Become so engulfed in your goals and success that you can't even remember what they did to you or said to you. You'll have new memories to replace them (those people begging for forgiveness, attempting to crawl back in your life, wanting to be a part of what you're doing, asking for help from you, doing anything to be around you).

Don't waste your time and energy getting upset and wallowing in self-pity. Get up, put on your big girl panties (or big boy boxers/briefs - take your pick), and use that time and energy to invest in yourself and your personal growth. A year from now you'll look back and laugh at the thought that people thought you couldn't do it, left you alone, stabbed you in the back, etc. Until then, keep rising above it all.

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