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Quote of the Week #2

"The more I find myself, the more people I lose." YOU AIN'T NEVA LIED!!! No, but for real. This couldn't be any truer for me. Over the last two years, I've learned more about myself than over the entire 20 years as a whole. I've also lost more friends than ever before (granted, I've made more friends in the past two years than I probably ever have, but still!).

I was debating between posting this quote and "I grow apart from people who don't grow" because both are very true to me. Also, "Never apologize for having high standards. If people want to be in your life, they'll rise up to meet them."

From these quotes, I've learned a lot. 1.) I'm growing and maturing at a quicker rate than many people in my life. 2.) Some of these people probably weren't real friends. 3.) Majority of the people in my life didn't find that it was worth their time to rise to my standards... but for that, I am very grateful.

None of this post is out of spite. It is out of gratefulness to God, believe it or not. God never takes things (or people, in this case) out of your life without having better ones to replace them with.

If you feel like everyone has left you or at least that you put in more into your relationships than you get back, don't worry when those people walk out of your life. They're just making room for the amazing relationships God had for you, and you can't have room for mediocre friends and amazing ones at the same time. One group has to go.

I hope you found this quote to be interesting and hopefully it means something to you as well. If it does, I'd love to hear about it in the comments section to the left or on the contact me page. Don't forget to subscribe on the contact page to stay up to date on all my new posts! Thanks so much!

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