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Scripture of the Week #1 - A Woman Who Fears the Lord

Proverbs 31:30 - Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

I got this scripture from the section in Proverbs that teaches women how to be a noble wife, something I hope to be one day. I felt it was perfect for me because I'm learning to put my relationship with God at the forefront of my life. I'm realizing it is way more valuable to have a REAL, love relationship with God than to have education, talent, beauty, a great personality. I can get much farther with a touch of God's grace than I can on my own.

I also realize that I will be a better girlfriend/wife, sister, daughter, relative, friend, and leader for being a young woman who fears God.

After my most recent fast, I've been blessed to finally be able to hear God speak to me for the first time in my life. My entire 20 years of existence, I've called myself a Christian and said I lived for God, but the truth is, I was living for myself and trying to get God to do my will instead of His. I now know God much more than I used to, but still have more to learn. I have made it my life's focus to find out what His will is for my life, and join in that. So far, so good.

Moral of the scripture, beauty, a great personality, talent, etc. is great, but none of those characteristics will ever have anything on a woman who fears the Lord. If you are one, you will be sooooo blessed and God will achieve so much through you. If you have one in your life, praise her, lift her up, and don't let her out of your sight.

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