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Motivation Monday #1 - What if... You Don't Give Up?

You know what giving up looks like (feeling ashamed, giving into cravings, laziness, or procrastination). It's the easy way out.

But have you ever stopped to think... what would happen if I keep going to the gym everyday (get the ideal body, have tons of energy, be in the best shape, and health, of your life)? Or what would happen if I keep working hard at my job even when I'd rather slack off like my coworkers (promotions, raises, new job position)? What if I study instead of party/waste time on TV, games, or social media (graduate at the head of your class, receive a high paying position in your career path)? What if I work day in and day out on my dream business (never work for anyone again, set your own schedule, provide for your loved ones)?

Maybe, instead of giving in to quitting, we should stop and remind ourselves that if we are tired of starting over, then we should stop giving up. You already know what it feels like to quit or give into instant gratification (eating junk, skipping workouts, missing homework assignments, slacking at work, etc), and it feels terrible... Why not find out what it's like to be consistent for once. With consistency comes results.

Rules to Consistency:

1. Find a person or consequences to keep yourself accountable

2. Never go 3 days without doing the activity

3. Never miss a Monday

Happy Monday - I hope everyone reading this has an extremely blessed and productive day!

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